Monday, June 10, 2013

Undying Enthusiasm

Human enthusiasm often fades away as one climbs up the ladder of age. Often enthusiasm is associated with kids, infact the famous metaphor that says “child like enthusiasm” is clear indication it's often at a tender age that we find loads of enthusiasm. But for every rule, there are exceptions.

My paternal uncle is around 78 years old, he is the father of two highly succesful sons and grandfather to two beautiful grand children, he has had a wondeful life and is a quiet and reserved person. I am one of the few people to whom he interacts quite a lot. We had some lengthy and healthy discussions over various topics and I have had the opportunity to help him out in various projects for his grandchildren. He is a man who still enjoys his drink, is more interested in following cricket and tennis, mind you despite all this, he is a very spiritual and philosphical person.
Even today, he hosts parties at his house and spiritual gatherings too.

There is always an aura of enthusiasm around him and even at this age, his attention for detail and his eye for perfectness has not faded away.

"Back of every creation, supporting it like an arch, is faith. Enthusiasm is nothing: it comes and goes. But if one believes, then miracles occur.

-Henry Miller

My uncle's grandson stays in the US, as part of a school assignment, the school mailed to my uncle a fictitious character named “flat stanley” and my uncle had to mail back flat stanley with souveneirs, post cards, some interesting information about the city, the lifestyle of the city. To carry out this project, he sought my help.

The task involved in making 3 posters, the first one depicting the visit to my uncle's native town Hampapur, the second one depicting flat stanley's visit to a factory in Bangalore and finally flat stanley's visit to a family function. We had to prepare three posters with pictures and appropriate written inforomation needed to convey the details. While carrying out this task, my uncle was so very particular about the pictures that went into it. He also stressed on the postioning of the pictures, the right words to be used, the position of the text. In short, for him everything had to be right. I was unable to tell whether this perfection was for his love towards his grandson or his natural eye of perfection. Whichever it was, the excellence brought out by the perfection was in a class of it's own.
The whole project a lot of time and even by the end of it, he was still enthusiastic and up for more.

I hope this enthusiasm stays with my uncle forever!

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