Saturday, January 26, 2013

A friend's experience in my words

With a notepad to take notes and ipod to record the conversation, it was like an interview, my attempt at expressing my friend's experience in my words.

Kung fu panda ring tonne of my cellphone woke me up from a deep sleep, it was my friend from RV, I answered the call, on the other side was an excited and an elated tonne, "Maga place Aadno" (Dude, I got placed ), my sluggishness was erased after hearing this awesome piece of news. My reaction was stereotypical, " Congrats dude, great achievement". After hearing the whole experience, I really had to put this on my blog. Will be addressing this friend of mine as "Mr  Oathla", this is his twitter name.

Mr Oathla woke up in the morning and through his smartphone, browsed for a company named " Air Watch" on the wikipedia app, read through all the relevant details. He was feeling good that day, an air of hope and optimism. It was placement day, the previous day he was informed that a company named "Airwatch" would be coming down to the campus to hire students. Mr Oathla was unsure whether his department i.e. Instrumentation would be allowed to take up the test. But he was ready, both mentally and intellectually to take on the arduous task ahead of him, even though there was ambiguity whether his department students would be allowed to take the test.
              Morally  Mr Oathla was down, after he didn't get placed in the 4 companies he wrote, he had almost no hope of getting placed. Amidst such negativity, there was hope though it wasn't burgeoning. He left home as usual and reached college at around 9. At around 10.30 he learnt that his department would be allowed to participate in the recruitment drive. Relieved, he geared up for the first round, an aptitude test. The test was scheduled at around 12.30. He reached the test venue just about ten minutes in advance along with a few of his friends. He wrote the test like any other aptitude test. ( Mr Oathla has a clever mind, an erudite he was, a lucid quizzer ). He completed the test and headed off to his department premises, where he had to attend lab. "Ok, not bad he told himself" and forgot about the test. Engrossed in the lab work, he was interrupted by his depratment placement co-ordinator, "Dude you got through the aptitude test", you have to attend the interview, which will be starting any minute. He was nowhere near to "ready" for an interview. Unshaven , no formals, this was his attire, he had falsely convinced himself that he wouldn't be to going to the interview round. But then here he was, selected for the interview. His mind was running like a jet engine, millions of thoughts, he told his mind to shut up and get ready. Luckily the placement co-ordinator exchanged his shirt and shoes, this helped Mr Oathla put up a formal look for the interview. Then began a wait that seemed like Pandavas exile period, never ending, from about 2.30 to 6.30, this dude waited for his turn literally in the dark. At around 6.45, he gathered all his courage and went to the interviewing room and asked whether the interview would be held today or not. On seeing him, the officials there cross checked his name in the list of candidates selected for the interview round and asked him to sit down at the room across and get ready to face the interview. All charged up, the dude was ready. In came a gentleman, as a mark of respect, Mr Oathla got up. The interviewer courteously offered water and some biscuits, to which MR Oathla politely refused, thinking this could be a hideous plan to check the mindset of the interviewee. Questions were being shot at Mr oathla, he handled them like Rahul Dravid handles swing bowling, "easily and elegantly". Some notable questions being,

  • Interviewer : What's your view on the Apple Vs Samsung court case
    Interviewee : Banning devices is not the right way to go, the companies should
    learn to co-exist in an environment where healthy competition is necessary.
  • Interviewer : Tell a short story about yourself.
    Mr Oathla, quickly told a story, which included his accomplishments and all
    other positive things that one could tell in an interview about himself. Some
    "Cool Bull-shit".

    By this time, the interviewer was quite impressed, he threw a rather tough question!
  • Interviewer : What's your sales pitch??
    Interviewee : I always back my instincts,I am good quizzer, I can participate in extracurricular activities/corporate competitions on behalf of your company.
    Also, I know German, I could help establish an office in Germany.
  • Interviewer : Give an example which indicate your entrepreneurial skills.
    Mr Oathla gave an awesome Business model he had thought of a few years earlier.
    The Interviewer was more than impressed. 
After a good HR round, Mr Oathla had a final Tech round. He was up for it!
It was a lady, she seemed to be a tough taskmaster.
After formal greetings, the interview began.

Interviewer : What do you mean by NFC?
Mr Oathla was enthralled, he knew the answer and he nailed it.

Questions were shot at him and he responded gracefully and honestly, to a couple of questions that he didn't know the answer, he honestly accepted.

One more memorable question was,

Interviewer : What is Geo fencing?
Oathla didn't know the exact answer, but he was clever to have derived it!
"Madam, I know what Geo tagging is. I guess Geo fencing means to secure a network in
a particular geography". The lady in command was impressed, this kid is smart!

The interview got over and the interviewer wished him luck for the results.

Oathla headed out with an aura of joy and accomplishment, he knew he'd get the job. By the time he came out it was around 7.30. The results were announced at 7.40 and
Mr Oathla who saw the notice board with his name on it was not surprised, his instincts had told him that it was his day.. His day it was!!

“Instinct is a marvelous thing. It can neither be explained nor ignored.”
Agatha Christie, The Mysterious Affair At Styles

An elated, relieved and joyous Mr Oathla returned home all smiles. Informed his near and dear ones and slept a satisfied man.  

He was sure that the time was his and his instincts turned out to be right.
Congrats Mr Oathla. An apology from my side, this incident happened a few months ago, I am posting this blog now, but then, "Better late than never ". 

Mr Oathla is my good friend and the Quizzer pro "Varun Athreya". 
Keep rocking Varun!


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