Friday, January 27, 2012

Why do I Blog?

When I started blogging seriously about two and a half years ago, I didn't know whether I would continue to do it for a long time. I had written my first blog out of the sheer thrill that the incident gave, I wanted to express it so badly and tell the world what an interesting thing had happened to me. If I look at it now from a third person's view, I laugh at my action and wonder how kiddish of me to publicise something that didn't deserve so much of attention.I even remember, I had mailed my cousin in the US to see and comment on my blog.Since then my blogs have covered various aspects of life.I have enjoyed writing them and seeing others people's reactions for it.I have learned from credible sources that Writers always enjoy the appreciation from their readers appreciation.I have felt the same too.Many people mostly friends and relatives have come up to me and appreciated on blogs that I have written.I really felt on top of the world when they did so. After I started blogging seriously, my view in general towards the world has changed, I look at things in a more analytical way, a way which makes me question every incident/action of the world around me, which has helped me get answers to some complex questions. I have a rather strange habbit, whenever I write any blog,I always ask my brother to give his opinion about it, I feel he's my worst critic, he has always criticised me for my mistakes while writing.He has been very blunt about his opinion and sometimes his opinions have been very harsh and discouraging,I have been angered by his opinion,but they were all very honest. He even criticised me badly for calling myself the “Elite Vattam”. I was quite let down, but then I thought my next blog will keep him quiet. But that didn't come for a long time, until I posted my blog “What is humanity?”, he just said one single sentence in our very very brief conversation, he said “Eno hosa blog ella bardidya? It's good”( you seem to have written a new blog,it's good) these were his words.I was really awe struck, with no words,though I didn't express the joy inside me even a tiny bit, I just replied, “Hoon baribekalla, thanks”(Ya have written,thanks). Though my reaction was very subtle, my mind was filled with some strong happy emotions. It was an elated feeling for me. To sum up on why I blog, there are three things that I have realised that has kept me going are, primarily the satisfaction that I get out of writing,by letting my thoughts off my mind and into the words and then because of some kind and encouraging words that people have showered after they have read my blogs and lastly but definitely not the least to impress my brother he's been a critic and he has been a great role model for me. I have a few names to take this time round,I would like to thank a few people for their really encouraging words which has drived me into continuing my blogging spree, my friends Prateek(dude called me just to tell about my blog),Rajesh Dubal,my cousins Arun,Ajay and Vishal.My Kde friend Shantanu Tushar who helped me better the appearance of the blog.Thanks guys!and of-course my bro Santosh Vattam for all his criticism that helped me better my writing. This is Vattam signing off.


  1. Finally the "elite" is gone :) nice blog, thanks a lot for the mention man :D I love this habit of blogging, and i personally regret not being able to write. Keep the blogs coming :)

  2. Blogging really does help to gain a new perspective towards things :) Enjoyed reading ur blog Supreeth :)

  3. thanks a lott aarthi :) your words are really encouraging


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