Friday, January 15, 2010

The Urban Bane

Its been quite sometime since my last blog . I was pretty busy with my college and studies .My first semester exams got over on the 15th of January and we friends decided to celebrate.A solar eclipse was to happen on that day.As part of our superstitious traditions, I was supposed to have food by nine in the morning and till 4 in the evening I was supposed to fast.As a good child to my parents I followed it with utmost respect.Our celebration plans also got delayed .The reason being after the eclipse is over I had to take bath and then only consume food.So after my exams got over at around 5 p.m. all we friends decided to head home and then meet up at around eight at brigade road to have supper.I went home and took bath and since i was so terribly hungry I ate the upma prepared at home nicely.I then spoke to my sister for a while and then the clock read seven thirty and so it was time to time to leave. I got ready and took out my bike and headed straight to brigade road. Though I am a bangalorean by birth I haven't been to brigade road many times.In fact in my eighteen years of life in bangalore I have just been to that place about four to five times.

Anyways coming back to the celebration plans, I reached the place at 8.00 exactly and then texted my friends to know where they were, one of them had arrived and all the others were on their way and one of my friends was lost.I didn't know the exact location of the place we were supposed to eat.So I was told to come at a particular point which i knew and then my friend would take me from then on.

MY friend had not arrived yet, in the meanwhile I decided to just roam around brigade road.Since I haven't seen this place so well I decided to just take a walk.. people who don't know much about brigade road its the hangout place of most banglaoreans with some of the best eating joints right from the road side food to the most luxurious restaurants we find them all there.Its a favorite hang out place for college going students too.Not only eating joints we find different shops of the top brands of garment and tech and many more....

I would like to call it the times square of Bangalore..

This place is the epitome of the rich and most stylish People. One can see the most stylish and the most sophisticated people here.People plugging in their music players to their ears and wearing some of the most expensive clothing and accessories and dining out and partying with in the poshest restaurants.

What I noticed in my visit to brigade road is that amidst all this fun frolic and richness there exists a section of people who don't even have the most basic of needs like food and clothing.In this center of TOP urban living,we find people who are struggling to find even one meal a day.Among the rich urban freaks are people who have made the footpaths their home and the have taken up begging as a means to earn food.People who are struggling to survive.
The majority of them being small kids in the age group of 5-12 yrs,begging in the signals and also begging on the footpaths for their survival.Its very sad to see this.Let me put it this was the so called brigade road the people where the rich and the famous hang out and shop and party and dine,is also the place where kids beg to survive and live on.The so called epitome of the rich urban life is also sadly the epitome of terrible poverty.Its a sad feeling two kinds of life totally versatile and the bandwidth of their living being so very wide is something which is eye raising.

Most of us might have paid money for watching the movie "The Slumdog millionaire" and we even might be very proud of the fact that it even won oscars for music.I would say instead of paying for the move and watching it, a visit to this road would have definitely got them the essence of the movie.

The Society is so partial.The rich are getting Richer by the day and the poorer are getting poor.

Once again this is the Elite Vattam signing off until next time Sayonara and Namaste

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