This blog comes after a long time.the reason i guess is that nothing noteworthy had happened.so then this a blog about an incident that in my wildest dreams had i thought will ever happen........
It was saturday and after a fun day at college me and my friend hopped onto my motorbike and left college.I just had a learners license,the rule was that a person with an LL is not supposed to ride a pillion rider.i can only do that if the person behind me has a PERMNANENT DRIVING LICENSE........
call it my fortune or misfortune MY friend did nt have a dl......
Like always we were travelling by the same route speaking to each other enjoying the drive......we were just nearing the place where i had to drop hime offf.we approached a signal and we had to take a left turn at the signal.....again no problem....... the signal turned green and we took a left turn tooo.....then i guess our fates changed.just at the other end of the road where we were heading for, cops like hungry hyenas were waiting to catch people like me......there was a signal and just before that were the cops...I still dont figure out how these people catch the right person.......i mean the rule breakers.they are right almost every single time......."damn how do they do it?????"
well well enough praising them...........
I was riding by and then on seeing me they told me to stop and just like a good citizen i did....i just took out my learners license and showed it to him... As everyone knows the people with L L must not ride with a pillion rider.the cop knew it too and caught me for the same reason......he then told me to a pay fine of Rs 300......to my hard luck i didnt have even 30 bucks that day...so I just told the same thing...." SIR NANNA HATRA 20 RUPAIH IDE ADANNE TAGOLI" [i dont have three hundered rupees and i have only 20 Rs if you want take that only" ,he replied " SIR NANNA GE DODDU KODBEDI NAMMA SENIOR HATRA HOGI" [ Dont give money to me talk to my senior inspector"].......
then I and my friend went to the inspector who was standing by.Then he said "fine is Rs 200",I said the same thing here too"sir 200 rupaih illa sir 20 rupaih ide"[ I dont have 200 but I only have 20 sir] I asked MY friend Rs 30 and he gave that to me and he was left with nothing esle too" the inspector again asked for hundred,i showed him my empty purse........and again told the same thing.....................I dont know what changed his mind,he waved his hand saying go without taking a single pie from me ,unable to interpret his actions i thought he asked us to stand there for sometime.We did so, then on seeing us,he said go and i was like whats wrong why is he letting me go without taking a single pie,i and my friend unable to swallow the whole incident,went to our bike and hurried off the spot.the place where i had to drop him off was just 2 seconds away.there he got down,we were still unable to gobble the incident,I was just too lucky that day probably such incidents are truly rare.we were still laughing and shared a lighter moment over the incident..............We have now stopped going in that route. I cant expect luck to help me always.....................................
that day i couldnt believe what had just taken place and till today i havent figured out how or why he sent me away without taking a single pie...........neverhteless i found that inspecor quite interesting...........he never scolded me or used swear words...................he was very polite even after me not paying the fine...........
I always regard MONEY above all and I always want to earn money, but this is the one time not having money saved me.................
A million thanks to the esteemed cop who let me that day and also my friend who was with me in those tense moments................
I guess I was the luckiest rule breaker indeed :P
this is the elite vattam signing off,untill next time sayonara!!!!!!!!!!!!@